
Powder Diffraction Sample Holders

Output Enablers is proud to announce a full line of powder diffraction sample holders for the Siemens/Bruker D500/D5000 Zero Degree 40 Position Sample Changers (others may also be available on a custom basis).

Feel free to contact us via e-mail at sales@outputenablers.com with questions or comments not covered in the following breakdown of the parts and prices.

Product Name Description Price Picture
Face Mount

Borosilicate glass mounted 0.002" recessed from the face.

Samples can be mounted with a low boiling point solvent like methanol or with vaseline.

Frosted Face Mount

Frosted borosilicate glass mounted flush with the face.

Samples can be mounted by the pull method where the powder sample is placed on the frosted glass, and a microscope slide is slid across the sample to impregnate it into the surface (this technique minimizes prefered orientation complications).

Back Mount

Borosilicate glass mounted flush with the back surface.

Intended for non-powder samples (odd shaped, and samples on substrates). Sample can be placed on oil-based clay in cavity, turned upsidedown, and pressed against a smooth flat surface to adjust sample height.

Quartz Low Background, Face Mount Off-axis Quartz crystal mounted 0.002" recessed from the face.

Samples can be mounted with a low boiling point solvent like methanol or with vaseline. Intended for poorly diffracting samples, or when only a small portion of the exposed area is illuminated with X-rays as there will be significantly less scattering off this surface than the borosilicate glass.

Regular Regular Siemens/Bruker Sample Holders.

Entire cavity must be filled flush with the top surface. This is often a challenge as this requires quite a bit of material, and powders rarely stay in place at high angles where they pour out onto the other samples in the sample changer.

Spare Borosilicate Disk Spare Borosilicate Disks for Face and Back Mount Sample Holders. $10
Spare Frosted Borosilicate Disk Spare Frosted Borosilicate Disks for Frosted Face Mount Sample Holders. $15
Spare Low Background Quartz Disk Spare Low Background Quartz Disks for Face Mount Sample Holders. $60

Borosilicate and Quartz disks are now all glued into place.

To order one of these products with a credit card, visit our online X-ray diffraction order form, or to place an order via mail or phone, visit our alternate methods page.