Ordering Information and Order Form
Please refer to our Product Information sheet and FAQ when filling out
this form.
For orders under $200, we accept MasterCard, Visa, personal checks,
and money orders. For orders over $200, we accept only MasterCard,
Visa, cashier's checks and money orders (i.e. no personal checks). We
do not accept university or government purchase orders.
To order from us, fill out this form, and send it to us at the address
above. If you are paying by check, please make your check payable to
"Output Enablers". Your order will be shipped within two working days
of receipt your completed order form.
Your Name: | _________________________________________________
Your Shipping Address: | _________________________________________________
| _________________________________________________
| _________________________________________________
| _________________________________________________
Your daytime phone number: | _________________________________________________
Your evening phone number: | _________________________________________________
Your fax number: | _________________________________________________
Your e-mail address: | _________________________________________________
What model Macintosh do you have? | Centris ____ Quadra ____ PowerMac____ PowerBook____
Please list the products you are ordering:
Product | Macintosh model | Quantity | Price | Total Price |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
Subtotal: |
If the order is shipping to a California address, add 8.25% sales tax: |
Shipping: | $5.15
Total: |
Payment Information:
[] Personal Check | Card Number: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[] Money Order |
[] Visa | Expiration Date (mm/yy): _ _ / _ _
[] MasterCard | Number above your name (MasterCard only): _ _ _ _
Please print your name and address exacly as it appears on your
credit card statement: | ____________________________________________________
| ____________________________________________________
| ____________________________________________________
| ____________________________________________________
Bank that issued card: | ____________________________________________________
Card Holder's signature: | ____________________________________________________